NRTYA [ヌリッテヤ] / SAICOBAB [サイコバブ] Song Title / time ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー <for LP> side a (total; 19:28) #1. Nrtyaman______________6:18 #2. Nachin Machine_________6:37 #3. Amayoru Moon Dance____6:33 side b (total; 21:13) #4. Death Nap The Dance____3:42 #5. Nachle Naatu Honey _____5:17 #6. Social This Dance_______ 5:56 #7. Dancing Fish In The Rain__6:18
Body / American Apparel 6.0oz Material / 100%Cotton Body Color / CHARCOAL Print Color / STONE GRAY drawing by OOIDO SYOUJOU designed by Nishimura Qotroo silkscreen printing by S.M.I.
Body / GILDAN 6.0oz Material / 100%Cotton Body Color / INDIGO BLUE Print Color / STONE GRAY drawing by OOIDO SYOUJOU designed by Nishimura Qotroo silkscreen printing by S.M.I.
Body / GILDAN 6.0oz Material / 100%Cotton Body Color / ICE GRAY Print Color / NAVY drawing by OOIDO SYOUJOU designed by Nishimura Qotroo silkscreen printing by S.M.I.
Body/GILDAN 6.0oz Material /99% COTTON& 1%POLYESTER Body Color / ASH Print Color / CHARCOAL BLACK drawing by OOIDO SYOUJOU designed by Nishimura Qotroo silkscreen printing by S.M.I.
NRTYA (ヌリッテヤ) / SACOBAB ( サイコバブ) レーベル:SHOCHY 品番 : SHOCHY-39 唯一無比なNEW HIGH WAVEをのりこなすSAICOBAB. 今作アルバムタイトル「NRTYA」は「 DANCE」 のサンスクリット語。 ラーガ(旋律)と ターラ(拍子)を イマジナリー(虚)な領域まで広げた クォータニスチック(四元論的)な ダンス・ミュージック! Track list #Song Title / time ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー <for CD> #1. Nrtyaman______________6:18 #2. Social This Dance_______ 6:24 #3. Nachin Machine_________7:14 #4. Amayoru Moon Dance____6:33 #5. Nachle Naatu Honey_____7:05 #6. Death Nap The Dance____6:09 #7. Dancing Fish In The Rain__6:18 NRTYA / SAICOBAB YoshimiO _ Vocalization HAMA _ Req YOSHIDADAIKITI _ Electric Sitar, Electric Bass Sitar, Electric Bass Tanpura Resonant String Speaker *All handmade instruments by YOSHIDADAIKITI TATEKAWA YO2RO _ Drums Music by SAICOBAB Recorded in 2020-2021, Engineerd by KABAMIX Mixed by YoshimiO & KABAMIX in 2022 Mastered by Sarah Register @SR Mastering,NYC Art works by OOIDO SYOUJOU + YoshimiO, Design by QOTAROO Photo by HOMMA TAKASHI
SAICOBAB - sab se purani bab / CD
SAICOBAB / sab se purani bab 1. naa Ra naa 2. aMn nMn 3. AWAWAW 4. Naam Chuulo 5. One 6. Bx Ax Bx 7. Siiidaa saicobab Sitar- YOSHIDADAIKITI Bass- AKITA GOLDMAN Req- HAMA Vocal- YoshimiO Music by Yoshidadaikiti, YOSHIMIO, Lyrics by YOSHIMIO Translated by Hashim Kotaro Bharoocha Recorded in January 2017. Engineered by SHINJI MASUKO Mastered by Sarah Register @ SR Mastering,NYC. Art works by OOIDO SYOUJOU Desigin by QOTAROO Photo by RYO MITAMURA SHOCHY-369
SAICOBAB - sab se purani bab / 2xLP black
Saicobab / sab se purani bab 1. naa Ra naa 2. aMn nMn 3. AWAWAW 4. Naam Chuulo 5. One 6. Bx Ax Bx 7. Siiidaa saicobab Sitar- YOSHIDADAIKITI Bass- AKITA GOLDMAN Req- HAMA Vocal- YOSHIMIO Music by Yoshidadaikiti, YOSHIMIO, Lyrics by YOSHIMIO Translated by Hashim Kotaro Bharoocha Recorded in January 2017. Engineered by SHINJI MASUKO Mastered by Sarah Register @ SR Mastering,NYC. Art works by OOIDO SYOUJOU Desigin by QOTAROO Photo by RYO MITAMURA Thrill Jockey THRILL445